Calling all FCAEM board members, volunteers, and interested members!

This is an invitation to submit articles, or ideas for articles, for consideration in our annual newsletter. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether and what to submit:

  • The audience consists of our members, as well as some potential members with an interest in our issues but probably little interest in past events, unless they illuminate our issues..
  • Announcements of future events are of interest, provided they are relevant and are still in the future when the newsletter appears, probably this year in late March.
  • Articles should be brief, with no more than about 300 words, but
  • We are considering publishing only summaries or the beginnings of some or all articles, with the full texts on the FCAEM web site, in which case length is less of an issue. But remember that nearly all of us are more likely to read shorter pieces. Please let us know what you think of this idea.
  • Everything you submit will be subject to editing, but you will get a chance to see proposed edits and negotiate about any you disagree with.

Please let us know what you plan to write (or have written) on or before Friday, Feb.7th. The sooner the better! We will need actual articles by Mon. Feb. 17th to allow time for editing, layout, etc.
Two more notes:

  • Our publisher requests the words DRAFT or FINAL as the beginning word in the Subject: line of your e-mail.
  • We will be looking for an editor and a publisher after this issue. If you have any interest and, preferably, experience — and most especially if you own publishing software — please consider volunteering to help with future issues.

Looking forward to hearing from our many talented writers!